Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Canvassing on Election Day

Also on election day, Pieter, my mother, and I volunteered for the Obama campaign again. This time, we simply left cards on peoples' doorknobs reminding them, no matter who they chose, to vote. It was exactly like what we did when I was 12, so it seems only fitting we would do it again for Obama's reelection. The entire day, though, I could only feel anxious. I was worried about the results of the election; despite what analysts and pundits had been predicting, I was worried that our efforts would prove futile and Obama would lose his bid for reelection.

Those fears prove unfounded when the networks called Ohio for Obama around eleven. Even though Obama lost North Carolina, it was closer than I thought it was going to be. All in all, the results of the election gave me optimism for American democracy, even in this post-Citizens United era.

Kids Voting

For an hour on election day, my twin brother and I manned the Kids Voting booth at a polling place in NW Greensboro. Kids Voting is a program that seeks to teach kids the importance of voting and participating in the democratic process. We helped the kids who came and guided them through the process. I was a little nervous because I am not that used to working with kids, but everything went smoothly.

An active electorate is the key to a vibrant democracy, and that is what Kids Voting seeks to create, so I am glad I could participate. Only two more years until I can vote!