Sunday, September 23, 2012

Peacehaven Farm with TAGS

On Saturday, September 22, I went to Peacehaven Farm with TAGS, located about fifteen minutes or so from Greensboro, on the shores of Lake Mackintosh. The farm was founded with the ultimate goal of providing a place for adults with physical or mental disabilities to live independently in a loving community. For now it is a working farm with gardens that the disabled can work in and experience. TAGS went several times last year but I hadn't been able to go until this weekend. For about three hours I and other TAGS members worked in the garden, moving plant beds, shoveling dirt and mulch, spreading straw, and marking beds for strawberries. It was a beautiful day and I enjoyed my time. Helping all people in society is an important value of mine. I can't wait to see how my the effects of my volunteer work when Peacehaven's goals are reached. I plan to volunteer again soon.
Moving mulch

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